Project Architect & Junior Architect

thumbnail-cadangan We're an architecture consultant company with design product ranges from apartments, hotels, offices, and shopping malls, located in South Jakarta, are seeking young talented architect with the following assessment for respective positions as:

PA. Project Architect
  • 3-4 years experience, under grad / graduate of Architecture School, good design intent, diligent, able to manage tasks, good teamwork, fluent in English for speaking and literacy, comprehend to use computer software like AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Photoshop. (additional value added for person capable of In Design, Revit, Rhino or Max)

JA. Junior Architect
  • no experience needed, under grad of Architecture/Interior Design School, good design intent, good teamwork, fluent in English for speaking and literacy, comprehend to use computer software like AutoCAD, SketchUp and Photoshop.

To whom that interested on this positions may send his/her application letter, CV and port folio (not exceeding 3Mb) to the following emails:
Mrs. Ririn:; cc Mr. Pepen:

Thank you very much. We're looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards,
Supena Krisnadi "Pepen"

for and on behalf of

Design International Indonesia pt.
Jl. RA Kartini no.9, Cilandak Barat
Jakarta Selatan - 12430
Tel: +62 (0)21 7510 545
Fax: +62 (0)21 7508 066

info@milis iai | Aug 9, 2010
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