Dev (API)

Key responsibilities:
Design and Development
- Working closely with Scrum Master & SIDD (ESB) team to create new API.
- Supporting technical writer in creating all necessary project documentations.
- Logical API using another language
- Perform product testing in coordination with in controlled , real situations , load test and support before going live in DEV, SIT and UAT Environment
- Understanding API design that understandable by External Developer
- Application Development: Java EE, Web Services, JSON API
- Database: Cassandra, oracle (+)
- Operating Systems : Windows, linux, unix(+)
- Application Platforms : IBM Websphere (MQ / WAS) (+), Apache Tomcat
- Banking Risk Operation (+)
- IT Architecture & IT Quality Assurance & IT Policy (+)
API Management - Axway
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Subject dev_api_name
Find out information @rezairsya
info@telegram group | Nov 14, 2018