Occupational Health Doctor

"Occupational Health Doctor"
Requirements :
- Medical Doctor with Occupational Health (OH) Postgraduate Degree with valid STR
- Male, Experience in coordinating OH programs and medical care
- Experience in handling emergency and medical conditions in the oil and gas industry for a minimum of 5 years
- Having competencies and certificates of ATLS, ACLS and Hiperkes
- Experienced in offshore work locations
Key Responsibility
- Design, implement, and review OH Program in line company policies and OH Management System-OHSAS 18001
- Coordinating with all site medical officers
- Consultation for health related matters and health insurance policies
- Giving consultation as First Aid Treatment, or referral, or medical evacuation
- Report directly to EHSS&IT Manager
- Giving advice during any meeting that related to OH/Medical/Hygiene
- Coordinating with OH Nurse to supervise medical record database
Send CV and recent photographs to : fitricia.y@elabram.com
info@telegram group | Nov 29, 2018