Market Research Analyst

Market Research Analyst
Job Description:
- Analyze user demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits
- Design research methodology
- Develop and implement sampling plans
- Gather user, competitors, and market data condition
- Measure effectiveness of marketing program & strategies
- Translate into actions to support company initiatives
- Minimum 1-2 years experience with market research job
- Bachelor degree in one of the following: marketing, communication, statistic, computer science, math.
- Strong analytical and critical thinking skill
- Work well with all levels of management & cross department
- Excellent writing repots skill
- Familiar with social media, online, and mobile research techniques
- Fast-paced & independent thinker
- Ability to manage multiple project
Send your CV to: CC:
Subject: Name_Market Research Analyst
info@telegram group | Mei 06, 2019