WWTP Supervisor, Warehouse Leader, HSE, SDM

Placement: HO - Jakarta
1. ABM
- Assistant Brand Manager
- Bachelor from Industrial Engineering/ Chemical/ Management with min. IPK 3.3
Placement: Plant - Karawang
1. WWTP Supervisor
- Male with max. 35 years old
- Min. Diploma from Chemical/ Environment
- Min. 3 year experiences at WWTP Process for food manufacturing
2. Warehouse Leader
- Bachelor degree from Engineer
- Min. 1 year as Warehouse Leader
3. HSE
- Male, fresh graduated from Public Health
- Have a certificate of Ahli K3 Umum
4. SDM
- Female and fresh graduated from Management SDM/ Accounting/ Psychology
Interested candidates should submit your update CV and recent photograph with the position for the subject to : ririn.marthia@calbeewings.com
info@telegram group | Mei 20, 2019