Chief Tenant Relation

Main Responsibility :
- Monitoring and provide guidance to all the work of the Tenant Relation Department as a whole
- Responsible to maintain good relationship between tenants and the Building Management
- Receive and follow up complaints from the Tenants/ Customers to be solved with good coordination with related department
- Keeping the facilities of the Tenants/ Customers in order to remain properly
- Prepare and distribute of Tenants/ Customers activity report to the management
- 30-45 years old
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree from any major (preferably from Hospitality/ Hotel Management)
- At least 4-5 years of working experience as Chief Tenant Relation in High-Rated Apartment
- Managed Tenant Relation Department to handling Tenant complaints, receiving and follow-up Tenant requests
- Required skills : English Conversation
- Candidate must possess strong leadership skill, communication skill, must have an impeccable grooming style.
- Candidate should be willing to work at Green Sedayu Apartment
info@telegram group | Jun 26, 2019