Test Architect

Currently we are looking for Test Architect candidate. Check the requirements bellow :
- 10 to 12 years of Telecom testing (Manual, Automated, Performance)
- Experience to lead and design testing strategy, test planning, test execution, defect management for Telecom BSS application transformations
- As Test architect has lead atleast one project for BSS application transformation (Catalog, Order management, OCS and Billing)
- Testing experience for any of Tier 1 BSS platforms: Ericsson, Netcracker, Amdocs, Sigma, Oracle, CSGI
- Atleast 2-3 years of experience in test automation
- Atleast 4 years of Telecom BSS application testing manual or automation
- Understanding of web, mobile, API and database testing technologies
- Understanding of primary models of test automation frameworks, (i.e. data driven, keyword driven, hybrid, and behaviour driven)
- Ongoing knowledge of testing industry best practices and trends
- Knowledge of TM Forum eTOM processes
- Fluent English & Indonesia Bahasa
- Good Communication Skills
- Available to Join in 15-30 days
If you are the one or you know someone suitable, send your updated CV to email : yoan.ochotan@abishar.com .
Good Luck!
@tg, 18052020