E-commerce Marketing Staff

thumbnail-cadangan We Are Hiring!!!

Position: E-commerce Marketing Staff (Cltohing Category)
Salary: 8 Million
Location: West Jakarta
Industry: Fashion E-commerce
Working Hours: Monday- Friday (08.00-17.00) and Saturday (08.00-15.00)
Benefit: BPJS Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan

Job Qualifications:
  1. S1 majoring Commerce/Marketing
  2. Minimum of 1 year experience on handling E-Commerce
  3. Familiar with Ecommerce & Backend
  4. Creative, entrepreneurial flair, ability to multi task, willing to work hard and build a business
  5. Problem solving, analytical rigor, project management and strategic skill
  6. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (oral / written)
  7. Language skills: Fluent in English
  8. Skilled computer user with excellent understanding of the Microsoft office software
  9. Female under 35 years old (single is preferred)

Drop your CV or contact our consultant at:
Suvie Cristia| 081219987728|suvie@hrigroup.co.id
Please share and have a nice day!

@TG, 18062020
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