Plating & Painting Supervisor, Accounting, IT Assistant Manager, Molding Engineer, Foreman/Inspector

1. Plating & Painting Supervisor
- Male
- Maximum age 35 years
- Minimum S1 Chemical engineering
- Placement at Surabaya
- Male/female
- Maximum age 40 years
- Minimum S1 Accounting/other similar majors
- Have similar experience to add value
- Placement at Surabaya/Sidoarjo
- Male/female
- Maximum age 40 years
- Minimum S1 informatics Engineering, information Systems/other similar majors
- Placement at Surabaya
- Male
- Maximum age 40 years
- Minimum education D3 Mechanical Engineering
- Mastering the skills of operating lathes
- Placement at Surabaya
- Male/female
- Maximum age 35 years
- Minimum education D3 Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Engineering/other relevant majors
- Freshgraduates are welcome to apply
- Placement at Nganjuk-East Java
Send a complete CV & resume to:
Good Luck!
@TG, 15062020