Application Development Officer

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Application Development Officer
  1. Minimum Bachelor degree with major Computer Science or equivalent.
  2. Must have knowledge in programming language “JAVA”, “Python” , Visual Basic .Net or C# will be an advantage.
  3. Must have at least 2 years of working experience as a programmer, experience in developing RPA will be a high advantage (fresh graduate will be considered).
  4. Must have knowledge in “My-SQL” or “Oracle”.
  5. Experience working with GIT or Github
  6. Have a passion in programming / new IT technologies
  7. Willingness to learn and become an expert in RPA and other automation technologies
  8. Have a strong logical thinking and analytical skill.
  9. Teamwork with good communication.
  10. Familiar with Odoo Framework will be an advantage.

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@TG, 28062020
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