Kepala Departemen Pengelolaan Keuangan, Auditor Forensik


 We are hiring!

We welcome you to join PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) to become our KEPALA DEPARTEMEN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN

Apply if you fulfill these requirements:

  • Possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Management/Commerce/Business Administration/Economics/Accounting or equivalent
  • At least 8 years of working experience in fundraising, M&A, and restructuring
  • CFA holder will be prioritized
  • Experienced in leading teams in fast-paced industry
  • Good analytical skill
  • Professional, proactive, able to work under pressure & self-starter

Send your up-to-date CV to with subject: BPUIKDPK and impress us!
PT. Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), a holding company of numerous respected financial institutions in Indonesia, such as Bahana Sekuritas, Bahana TCW Investment Management, Bahana Artha Ventura & Bahana Kapital Investa.

Furthermore, as of March 2020, we have been appointed by the Government to become a strategic investment holding of other State-Owned Enterprises, namely Jasa Raharja, Jasindo, Askrindo, and Jamkrindo.

P.S: Worry not, our recruitment process are fully online at the moment :)

#CovidSafe BUMN


We are hiring!

We welcome you to join PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) to become our AUDITOR FORENSIK

Apply if you fulfill these requirements:

  • Possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Management/Commerce/Business Administration/Economics/Accounting or equivalent
  • At least 5 years of working experience in investigative/forensic audit in financial services industry
  • Holding QIA/PIA/CFE/CFrA certification/equivalent
  • Knowledgeable in profiling, digital audit, human & organization behavior, fraud, & law (specifically insurance & capital market)
  • Professional, proactive, able to work under pressure & self-starter

Send your up-to-date CV to with subject: BPUIAF and impress us!

PT. Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), a holding company of numerous respected financial institutions in Indonesia, such as Bahana Sekuritas, Bahana TCW Investment Management, Bahana Artha Ventura & Bahana Kapital Investa.

Furthermore, as of March 2020, we have been appointed by the Government to become a strategic investment holding of other State-Owned Enterprises, namely Jasa Raharja, Jasindo, Askrindo, and Jamkrindo.

P.S: Worry not, our recruitment process are fully online at the moment :)

#CovidSafe BUMN

@TG, 16082020

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