Lead Electrical Engineer Power Plant

We have Great Opportunity for you to Explore. Will you be keen?
Job Title: Lead Electrical Engineer Power Plant
Jepara, 12 months; renewal
- Regional Expats (Southeast Asia; KITAS Holder is preferable)
- 10+ years of Electrical Engineering experience with large Coal Fired Power Plant Projects
- 8+ years of experience as a Lead Engineer as an Owner’s or Contractor’s engineer role.
- Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering from internationally recognized university.
- Must have fundamental knowledge of power plant engineering principles and technologies based on fossil-fired power generation and specifically coal-fired power plant.
- Must have specific knowledge and experience of coal-fired power plant including circulating fluidized bed and pulverized coal.
- Must have relevant experience in conducting and coordinating Contractor’s Engineer role for construction & commissioning monitoring/project management
- Must have experience working with Windows based systems and knowledge and experience of proprietary electrical engineering software and office productivity software.
Send CV to email: resume@brunel.co.id
Put the “Job Title” as subject email.
Kindly also advise,
1. Current Work Location?
2. Expected Salary?
3. Availability?
Thanks :)
@TG, 20112020
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