Admin Assistant/Travel, Driver

We have Great Opportunity for you to Explore.
Job Title: Admin Assistant/Travel.
Timika 12 months
- Assist the support services coordinator and the support services Manager to manage the project’s team work schedule/roaster.
- Establish and manage the project’s team rotation tracker in coordination with the support services Manager.
- Responsible for collecting the Project’s team contractors time sheets/expense reports, submit them for approvals with complete supporting documents.
- Coordinate the Project’s team travel arrangement.
- Responsible for keeping good inventory of office supplies such as hot drinks supplies/ printing papers etc.
- Replace the support services coordinator while on rotation and handle the contractors on-boarding process.
- Responsible for submitting MIS tickets for IT equipment, responsible for submitting office and camp maintenance requests.
- Minimum 3 years’ experience as an admin assistant.
- Minimum high school certificate.
- Good English skills.
- Good computer skills.
- Local Timika hire.
- Good team player and good communicator.
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Thanks :)
Job Title: Driver
Timika 12 months
- Able to operate and safely drive light vehicles or 4x4 pickup truck or Double cabin or a minivan,standard/automatic gears
- Able to read&understand the government road signs and regulations,follow the speed limit set by the government and or the company
- Responsible for coordinating the vehicle maintenance schedule with the company vehicles maintenance center,keep the vehicle well maintained & in an acceptable cleanliness inside and outside
- Pick up the new project’s team arrivals from the airport,receive them at the airport exit gate,help them to process their UID cards at the UID center located inside the airport premises
- Drive the project’s team new arrivals to their assigned accommodations,assist them to check in at the camp office&receive the accommodation key
- Pick up urgent supplies from the company Wearhouse
- Coordinate his daily activities with the site support services coordinator
- Follow the safety rules®ulations set by the company while performing his daily duties
- Government issued driver’s license type A.
- Minimum elementary school certificate.
- Basic English.
- 5+ years’ experience in operating/driving light vehicles
- Local Timika hire.
Send CV to email:
Put the “Job Title” as subject email.
Thanks :)
@TG, 12122020
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