Corporate Finance Department Head

Indonesia Financial Group (IFG)
Position: Corporate Finance Department Head
IFG, formerly known as PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero), is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) holding company of respected financial institutions in Indonesia, such as Jasa Raharja, Jasindo, Askrindo, Jamkrindo, IFG Life, Bahana Sekuritas, Bahana TCW Investment Management, Bahana Artha Ventura, Bahana Kapital Investa, & Grahaniaga Tatautama.
- Possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Industrial)/Business Studies/Administration/Management/Finance/Accountancy/Banking/Commerce or equivalent
- At least 5 years of working experience in treasury fundraising, M&A, and restructuring as a team leader
- CFA holder will be prioritized
- Good communication, adaptation, Microsoft Excel & PowerPoint skill, and self-starter
- Accustomed to working in a fast-paced environment
- Will be placed in PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) - IFG (the holding company)
Send your up-to-date CV to:
Subject: IFGCFDH
P.S: Worry not, our recruitment process is fully online at the moment :)
Power to Progress!
Paramita Noor
Organizational Development, Talent Management & Acquisition at IFG
@TG, 20122020
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