Fulltime Mobile Programmer

Fulltime Mobile programmer (Location : Yogyakarta)
Skills :
- Build Hybrid Mobile application (React Native)
- Experience in using React JS, Javascript, CSS (web technology)
- Good knowledge of React Native playground (AJAX, JSON, Redux, flux, Oauth, JWT, etc)
- Experienced in making or integrating API
- Familiar with Firebase/Pusher/Pubnub
- Experienced in using versioning control git (github, gitlab, bitbucket)
- Create reusable, efficient, and performable codes
- Collaborate with UI/UX design team & product team
- Being able to debug code
- Experience implement design pattern + clean code is a must
Benefits :
- End of contract bonus, achivement bonus
- Health insurance (BPJS)
- Allowance (THR)
Interested candidates please send CV and portfolio to info@cyberolympus.com
#loker #lokerit #lokerprogrammer #lokerprogrammerjogja #lokerreactnative #lokermobiledeveloper
@TG, 09042022
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