IT Security Engineer & Maintenance System Administrator

Hello Potential Candidates,
Oil & Gas service company is looking for candidate to fill this position:
IT Security Engineer & Maintenance System Administrator
- Male
- Maximum 30 years old
- Bachelor's degree in MI, SI, or TI
- Min. 1 year experience in relevant field
- Update and Maintain (configuration, settings) on zimbra mail server, virtual server Promox, Antivirus Symantec server, CCTV server, Data Server (windows server 2016), master router ISP.
- Setup tunnel VPN access
- HC, GA, Finance application development
- Engineering software installation
- Backup and update server, cctv, and email data master
- Update security, maintenance, and manage firewall rules (sophos)
- Internet user access control
If you are interested and qualified for the position, please send your latest Curriculum Vitae, Bachelor's Certificate, and other Certifications to cc
Subject: (Position)- (Name) - (Total Experience)
#jobs #hiring #jobsearch #recruitment #vacancy #oil #migas #careers #onshore #offshore #lokermigas #lokeritjakarta #lokersystem #lowongankerjait #itsecurity
@TG, 30082022
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